Tag Archives: salmon

One fish, two fish, red fish, yum fish


There’s just something about summer that makes me want to cook fish. Maybe it’s because fish live in water, and I associate summer-time with putting on my cute little Speedo and goggles and swimming in the ocean (actually, I don’t exactly swim per se. I can dog paddle when in a life or death situation but I’d much prefer to lay on dry land while watching other people splash around in the water. My weekly bath in the kitchen sink is about as close to swimming as I’d like to get). Or maybe it’s because during the winter months I spend so much time cooking up hearty stews and casseroles containing lots of chicken or legumes, that I’m totally ready to change it up a bit with a something different. Something seafood-y. Something saucy. Something muy delicioso.

Well anyway, whatever the reason may be, I’m happy to say that as of this week I’ve been soooooo in the mood for cooking some fish. Some flaky, buttery, fresh Alaskan Salmon fillets to be exact. Now originally I wanted to have mi papa grill these little babies outside on the barbeque, but unfortunately Mother Nature had other plans up her sleave and decided to rain on my BBQ parade. So in the oven they went. And you know what, I think I’m glad I was forced to bake them instead because they turned out so incredibly tender and moist (why do people always chuckle when I say that?)  Served alongside some Jasmine rice and garden fresh green beans, this made a tasty and surprisingly easy weeknight dinner for two.

So there you go mi amigos. And go I must do for it’s the beginning of the weekend and I’m ready to party. And by party I mean go for my evening walk with mis padres, eat my kibble, squirt out a little poo or two and curl up on the couch with mi papa while licking my paw for about an hour. Pretty exciting stuff.

Now just as soon as he gets home, we can get this party started.